Sunday, August 1, 2010

August Arrives

August has finally rolled around, and with it come tomatoes, squash, cool nights in the 40's, and clear starry skies. As usual, I'm staying as busy as ever, but I long for a relaxing week of reading and sipping lemonade. We can all dream, can't we? Things are progressing, however, and the cabin is looking more beautiful than ever. The living room and kitchen have been completed, and there are books on the bookshelves and blankets on the window seat. The mudroom is done, but full of furniture and boxes awaiting their new home. The loft is close to completion, only needing a few coats of polyurethane and some cabinets. The only rooms left are Trevor's study and the bathroom. Soon we'll have a house!

My life has been full of distractions, which in some ways have been welcome, but in others have been stressful. I like the occasional day of trail work to take me away from construction and cabinetmaking, but what I really need is an afternoon of music and online games, or a walk in the woods with Shadow. The fire department has been stressful, as usual, and not as gratifying as it was in the past. But these things change, and sooner or later, I will feel more fulfilled. I have spent a great deal of time in therapy, and it has made my life calmer and sensible, but I really need to spend more time working on myself and my mind to be happier, less anxious, and more complete. I have been spending a lot of time with friends and acquaintances, but I could be doing a better job connecting with those people and listening to them. So many things to work on, but so little time. Such is life.

There have been happier moments, though too rare for my taste. Card games late at night with friends, food spontaneously made from the garden, or trips downtown with Trevor for tea make me much happier. Or, ever popular, Shadow's bath time:

For now, I'll hope for more completion of lingering projects, more time for relaxation and friends, and definitely, more puppy hugs.


  1. I love Vermont in late summer. 'Tis wonderful. Your cabin is so lovely as is that crazy puppy. :-)

    I hope you get a chance to chill out. You deserve it.

    Miss you big brother!

  2. Shadow has a plow on his head. Perplexing.
    Can' wait to play Yuker (sp?) with you again!

  3. Noodle dog is so cute!! More puppy hugs (and kisses) are definitely needed.
