Leaves are hanging on trees by thready stems in southern VT; the last rainstorm brought many of the yellow and red decorations down to the ground, collecting in the culverts and ditches beside the dirt roads. It's most certainly woodstove season again. The nights are chilly, and the last flowers are dying back. The asters and mums adorning our front stairs still show bright yellow, orange, and purple, but the marigolds are fading fast as well as the other summer perennials.
As the growing season ends, building season winds down with it. There is still work to be done, but my friends and I are working at a more casual pace. The temptation of sitting by the fire and knitting is much more difficult to resist, especially when the alternative is crawling around under the cabin in the cold. But, it needs to be done!
The cabin is coming along nicely. The crawlspace is 1/2 closed-in, and we have a new deck out back. The front porch is screened in, and the mudroom is cleaner than it has been in a long time. The loft is done, the living room is done, Trevor's study is done (and beautiful), and the kitchen is very close to being done. I'm nearly finished with the 6' counter to install as an 'island'.
Plumbing and septic work is taking time, but it is out of my hands, so it's not nearly as stressful. State paperwork is a bear to work with, but is a necessary evil. We'll be gifted with a full bathroom, a working kitchen sink, and both hot and cold water. Possibly, we'll even have one or two outside spigots! Trevor and I are eager to be able to cook in our kitchen for the first time with running water. Mmmm, the scones, pies, pasties, and stews will be wonderful.
The activities of the last couple months have been numerous, and would be a chore to remember -- but the highlights include building a tree house in the Marlboro forest, becoming Coyote to tell myths and stories to new students, becoming a partner in the new business Ironwood Artisans (go see our work at www.ironwoodartisans.com !), learning to shoot a rifle, exploring old barns in the area, and visiting with a local fox. I'm sure I've forgotten a bunch of things in there, but I'll write about them some other day.
In the meantime, enjoy some pictures:

Trevor's Completed Study, North and East Walls

Trevor's Completed Study, South and East Walls

The Back Deck in Process of being Completed

My First Completed Chessboard (I didn't make the pieces -- but aren't they pretty?)

The Foundation Wall on the East Wall.
The foundation walls are complete on the East and West, and have been covered in shiplap and insulated with rigid foam. Hopefully, it will keep the underside of the cabin much warmer (especially because there will be plumbing under there!).
I don't have many pictures of the inside of the cabin at the moment, but I will work on taking more so I can share them in this blog.
In the meantime, peace out.