We're preparing for the big upcoming festival season over in the land of Ironwood Artisans! If you haven't heard of us, take a gander at our recently updated website:
www.ironwoodartisans.com . Trevor and I were two of the original partners last September, and the business has taken off to new heights since then! It's exciting (and scary) to be involved with the business world, but with good friends and lots of help from fellow merchants, we've managed to navigate our way through a number of shows and festivals.
We're currently preparing for a number of Renaissance festivals and pagan festivals, and in the process, had to take pictures of 'the Artisans'. Here is our classical, dour photograph:

...and a picture of the lovely ladies:

Of course, we can smile, too:
...and when we're pulling an all-nighter to get ready for the show....

More pictures to come in the next few weeks. For more Ironwood related photos, check out our website or find us on Facebook.
Now back to your regularly scheduled blogging.